Animal Therapy

Welcome to our animal therapy program where equine, rabbits, goats, and dogs provide healing connections. Interacting with our friendly critters has been scientifically proven to provide many benefits, especially for youth and those managing trauma or challenges.

Equine therapy utilizes horses to promote emotional growth and learning. Caring for, riding, and bonding with horses helps build confidence, responsibility, and empathy. Research shows equine therapy reduces symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more. Rabbits, goats and dogs also lower stress through their calming presence and physical touch. Stroking their soft fur releases oxytocin, the “love hormone”, that relieves anxiety. Service dogs can help individuals with mobility issues or sensory needs.

Our tailored animal therapy session incorporates grooming, feeding, walking, training, and bonding with our animals. We focus on relationship-building and experiential learning. Youth practice patience, compassion, and communication while receiving non-judgmental support from our creatures. These powerful connections teach accountability, empathy, and emotional control.

Our staff therapists and trained volunteers facilitate safe, supervised sessions. We teach gentle handling and respect for the animals’ needs. Whether overcoming a specific challenge or learning recreational skills like riding, participants will grow in confidence. Our animal friends’ model unconditional acceptance, joy, and living in the moment. This transformative experience will stay with our youth for years to come.