Guardian Grove

At the heart of Guardian Grove’s mission is our organic farm, a vibrant hub cultivating nourishment, purpose, and community. Across rolling pastures and gardens, participants find healing through nature connection, meaningful work, and animal therapy. Produce harvested here graces our communal tables, supporting healthy lives. Lessons learned in our greenhouse and raised beds become life skills that blossom into confidence.



But Guardian Grove is more than a farm – it’s an ecosystem where sustainability and compassion come together. Our Residents care for animals, finding empathy and responsibility. At the day’s end, tiny homes welcome them with solidarity and comfort.



Our farm allows us to seed new possibilities for fostering youth, harvest hope and watch joy grow. Through immersive experiences on this land, participants develop self-reliance, focus and the tenacity to overcome adversity. They leave equipped to thrive, with a community still supporting them.





Foster teens aging out of the child welfare system are at high risk for negative outcomes across education, employment, housing, mental health, and justice system involvement without proper transitional support.

  • Only 50% of foster teens graduate high school by age 18 in Arkansas compared to over 80% statewide.

  • Unemployment rates for former foster youth are nearly three times higher than their non-foster peers at age 21.

  • A report showed 35% of foster teens in Arkansas exited care without identified housing arrangements.

  • The CDC reports over 60% of former foster youth suffer from mental health problems like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

  • Studies show foster teens are 2.5 times more likely to enter the criminal justice system.


The data clearly demonstrates a critical need for evidence-based transitional living services that improve education, employment, housing, mental health, and reduce justice system involvement for foster teens. Investing in these vulnerable youth as they approach adulthood will lead to significant individual and community benefits. 



Guardian Grove invites those seeking light to cultivate growth within. Here, we till the soil of potential – believing that each soul has inner gifts waiting to emerge. On this nurturing farm, a brighter future takes root for all.

Mission Statement

Guardian Grove empowers foster-youth through sustainable farming, animal therapy, and comprehensive support services.